pruning and treatment of palm trees by dron

There are innumerable ways to access palm trees, from the most ancestral and primary to the latest and most innovative techniques.

Since the beginning of time, the human being has accessed palm trees using only their limbs and great ability. Much later he began to climb palm trees using vegetable ropes of esparto or hemp.

Then he made an evolutionary leap, creating nylon and synthetic strings with a steel-iron core, such as those currently used by palm-makers called “palmerero’s rope” and which we have on our website.

Shortly afterwards it also came out as a complement or another option to climb the palm trees, a system of metal strips and pedals called the “Bicycle” (especially for smooth or brushed palms) and of course you also have it available in our store.

In recent years, the lobby of the elevating cranes that are staying with the pruning of many avenues and public roads where palms are ordered and aligned have also been incorporated.

Given the speed at which technological advances are happening in all areas, who tells us that one day you can not access palm trees to prune or try to get on a drone.

Nowadays it is unthinkable to put it into practice because of the high level of danger it would entail, but who knows if those problems can not be solved in the not too distant future …

Here you can see how you can access a palm tree with a drone and this picture is real although it is still a utopia the fact that you can prune palm trees or do any work from a drone today.

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